Spokane Locksmith Ignition and Transponder

How Ignition and Transponder Key Work Together

(509) 210-7017

The ignition to every vehicle controls whether or not the amount of current necessary is going to be provided to start the engine. As an additional security measure created by the automobile manufacturers in the 90’s, transponder keys came forth in response to high percentage of auto theft. This type of key possess a transponder chip that communicates with the vehicle to ensure that car theft won’t happen easily.

So how a transponder key works

The communication between the ignition and the car’s computer is done through the transponder microchip which can be found within the head of a car key. The communication happens when the transponder key is inserted into the ignition switch and turned. Inside of the ignition cylinder, there is an induction coil that is mounted around the ignition switch. That is what sends out an electromagnetic field of energy between the transponder key and ignition cylinder. 

The windings in the car key transponder chip will absorb the energy from the coil so to provide power to the electronic chip to emit its own signal. The induction coil then reads the signal being sent from the key and sends it back to the car’s computer in return. If the specific signal is what the car’s computer was searching for, it will allow for the vehicle to start. Thus, changing an ignition switch to any vehicle is an installation that is thoroughly complex and requires the hands of a professional locksmith Spokane assistance to guarantee the ignition will be in proper working condition.

Sometimes an ignition switch would need to be replaced

The life span of an automobile ignition switch functionality will vary. However, if you own a car, chances are that eventually you will encounter a jammed ignition switch at some point. At first you may think it is no big deal because jiggling the key inside of the ignition allows the vehicle to start. Unfortunately, this is a condition that is only sure to get worse. It will soon get to a point where you find it impossible to turn the key in the ignition switch. Alternatively, it may even get to a point the key will turn but doesn’t start the car and you may end up with a broken key inside the ignition.

The best choice for you in this instance is to call a professional Spokane locksmith. To cut down on high service fees, call an automotive locksmith rather than your local dealership. Much of the cost will be dictated by make and model of the car, yet the condition of the key/lock cylinder will have a part as well. Additionally, some ignition switches are part of an assembly with the entire lock cylinder and a security device. This will cause the price to rise accordingly, explaining why it is necessary for a professional such as NorthWest Locksmith Spokane to inspect the vehicle before being able to provide the exact cost.